Sunday 20 January 2019

3rd Painting Challenge Entry: Reivers and a Bolshevik Banner

Now that work has resumed after the Christmas holiday, the time I have available for painting reduces quite dramatically. So this was quite a small entry - 5 Games Workshop Primaris Reivers and a Bolshevik banner bearer from Copplestone Castings.

First up are the Reivers. I got these as part of 'The Fangs of Ulfrich' box set for Kill Team, which included some terrain as well as five Reiver Marines. The box art has them done up as Space Wolves. Now, although I am a big fan of the Vlka Fenryka, I am not so keen on the powder blue 40K paint scheme, so I painted them in a sombre grey colour scheme. The armour is Vallejo Deep Sea Grey, washed with GW Nuln Oil. The shoulder pads were done in Vallejo Black Grey and the pouches were done in Vallejo Mahogany Brown, washed with GW Agraax Earthshade. For a bit of contrast, I did the right knee pad in red, the 'I' numeral marking them out as members of First Squad. Finally, the skull on the shoulder pad is inspired by the Punisher patch worn by some modern SOF soldiers, and this gave me the name for the Chapter - the Punishers Chapter.

The squad Sergeant was going to have a pistol, but whilst assembling these I watched Equalizer 2. There is a cool scene where Denzel Washington's character McCall takes out one of the bad guys with two knives and so this pose was born.

Two guys equipped with carbines - I really like the pistol fore-grip, so reminiscent of modern SOF. I also gave these guys reflex sights, suppressors and PEQ laser pointers. All of these were supplied by Anvil Industry and they are really nice, clean resin casts that are a perfect match scale-wise for the weapons.

Here you can see the reflex sight on top of the carbine and the laser pointer on the right side of the weapon.

A shot showing the suppressor

You will notice that this guy isn't wearing a helmet (clearly hard as nails!) and is missing his backpack. This is because he was attacked by the dog and so I had to replace his head - thankfully there are lots of alternative heads in the pack, but only 5 with full helmets. I will probably get a spare Primaris backpack off of Ebay at some point.

I love this pose! Pistol and big knife combo. This guy and the next only have suppressors and laser pointers added.

All of the Marines are based on GW Necromunda bases. I have never used moulded bases before, but I was looking for something that would fit the industrial aesthetic of the Kill Team terrain and boards and I must say that these look really good. They also were easy to paint, with a drybrush really bringing out the detail. 

Finally, we have a Bolshevik banner bearer to go with the Bolshevik infantry I did a couple of weeks ago. Like them, he is a Copplestone Castings figure and was very straightforward to paint. The banner comes from a site I found with flags for both Whites and Reds in the Russian Civil War - unfortunately it seems to have disappeared now. Apparently the text reads 'Freedom from White Oppression'.

The Lord of the Rings Battle Companies Game - Secure the Area

Since the end of the Painting Challenge, I have had very limited hobby time but summer holidays meant I could get a game in of the new versi...