Friday 19 July 2019

The Lord of the Rings Battle Companies Game - Secure the Area

Since the end of the Painting Challenge, I have had very limited hobby time but summer holidays meant I could get a game in of the new version of GW's Battle Companies for Lord of the Rings. The small scale of Battle Companies (initial Companies often have fewer than 10 figures per Company) mean games are quite quick, easily manageable of an evening. Not only that but I have lots of figures (mostly!) already painted to use. Another feature that attracts me to the game is the way different characters, particularly the Heroes of the Company, can progress, adding to the sense of immersion in the game as characters develop particular skills and attributes. As this was my first outing using this new supplement, I decided to use one of the scenarios in the book - Secure the Area. The game would see the Rangers of Tirion's Company face off against the Angmar Orcs of Uldakh's Company. The setting (which I am hoping to expand into a campaign) is in the ruins of Arnor. There isn't actually a Rangers Battle Company, but it wasn't too hard to come up with one using the other Battle Companies as a guide. So, after a little bit of time spent composing the roster, the opposing Companies were:

Tirion's Company of Rangers:

Tirion (Faramir model) - Leader
Dringon (Damrod model) & Damdir (Madril model) - Sergeants
Helechon, Hastedir & Thangurdir - Rangers

All are armed with stout leather armour, sword and bow, with Thangurdir also carrying a spear.

Uldakh's Company of Angmar Orcs were a much less-uniform bunch and comprised;

Uldakh - Leader with two-handed axe
Augzul - Sergeant with armour, sword and shield
Draza the Red - Sergeant with armour, sword and shield
Kruddar - Angmar Orc with armour, sword and shield
Mogluf - Angmar Orc with armour and two-handed weapon
Srahash - Angmar Orc with armour and spear
Boglig - Angmar Orc with armour and spear
Uldekh - Angmar Orc with armour and Orc bow
Orgag - Angmar Orc with armour and Orc bow

The names for both Companies were generated using an online name generator for Lord of the Rings!

Table set up - the ruins of Arnor

The aim for both sides was to be in control of the central 'objective' - represented by the fallen pillars to the left of the road in the image above. Rather than each side having a set deployment area, each figure's entry point is rolled for separatly. This seemed to favour the Rangers, who were concentrated on the northern (left) and western (nearest) edges. However, Thangurdir came on via the southern edge, advancing through the Avenue of Kings' statues on the hill in the near right corner. The plan was for Tirion and Dringon to advance on the objective through the cover of the woods whilst Damdir and Hastedir headed for the northern ruin to get up high so that they could overlook the objective and use their bows to snipe at any Orcs approaching it.

Tirion and Dringon advance into the woods...

...whilst Damdir and Hastedir enter the northern ruin

Meanwhile Thangurdir comes on through the Avenue of Kings

Uldakh's Company was a little more spread out. A good deployment roll gave Uldakh the choice of where to enter and he came on from the west, aiming to cut off Tirion and Dringon. Augzul and Mogluf headed for the ruin on the south side of the road with the intention of contesting the objective. They were followed at a distance by Orgag, who stopped to draw a bead on Thangurdir. Finally, Srahash came on from the east, intending to get close to the northern ruin with the aim of disrupting the Rangers' attempts to set up a base of fire in the ruins.

Uldakh appraoches, eager to bury his axe in man-flesh!

Augzul and Mogluf head for the ruins whilst Orgag takes aim

The lone Srahash looks to cause the Rangers problems

In the Shooting Phase only Orgag could fire, as the Rangers had all made a full move. He drew his bowstring and let fly a black-feathered arrow. Not only did he hit his mark, the foul dart pierced Thangurdir's armour and he was down. To lose a man so early was a real blow for the Rangers, who were already outnumbered by Uldakh's company. With no one engaged in combat, we moved straight onto the second turn, with Tirion winning Priority.

Alarmed by the sight of the on-rushing Uldakh, Tirion and Dringon made a cautious advance across the track and took cover in the undergrowth, leaving themselves the option of opening fire on him as he closed. Hopefully, having dispatched the Orc leader, they could then continue towards the objective.

Damdir and Hastedir moved further into the ruin and it looked they would be in position overlooking the objective in the following turn, meaning that any Orcs trying to seize it would first have to run the gamut of their archery.

The final member of the Company, Helechon, came on this turn. He slowly moved towards the side of the building, halting with the intention of firing at Srahash and so preventing him from interfering with the Rangers' plans.

Having dispatched one Ranger, Orgag hurried to catch up with his fellow Orcs who were entering the southern ruin. Once in the ruin himself, he could climb up onto the remains of the first floor and cover any advance Augzul and Mogluf made and perhaps even harass the Rangers opposite with his arrows.

The cunning Uldakh then showed that he was no mindless brute. Well aware of the Rangers' prowess with the bow (and mindful that facing two Heroes meant he also had to think about Might points being used to make it even more effective), he took cover behind a statue. Hopefully, some good deployment rolls would see more of his Company arriving and they could be used to distract the Rangers.


Sure enough, three more Orcs arrived this turn. Two of them - Uldekh the archer and Draza the Red - both rolled 6s for their deployment, meaning they could arrive on a board edge of their choosing. Characters cannot charge in the turn they deploy in this scenario, but can otherwise act as normal. With this in mind Uldekh came on from the western edge to support Uldakh (bit confusing having two Orcs with only one letter difference in their names!) by targeting either Tirion and Dringon. Draza the Red came on to reinforce the effort directed against the Rangers in the northern ruin, where his point of Might would come in handy. He and Srahash looked to to get in close to the building before the Rangers would be in position to fire at them. Pretty soon the Rangers would be facing five Orcs coming from two different directions - would three of them be enough to hold out?

To make matters worse, Boglig deployed from the northern edge, putting him behind the Rangers in the building. Again, he looked to get into cover as rapidly as possible in an effort to minimise the impact of the Rangers' missile fire.

In the Firing phase, Helechon had three targets to choose from, all Orcs closing in on the ruins. Tempting as it was to try and take out Draza the Red, the latter's Defence of 5 (thanks to his shield's +1) meant it was very unlikely that the Ranger's Strength 2 bow would have any impact. That meant the choice was between Boglig and Srahash; the former was closer to the ruin and so Helechon let fly an arrow against him. His aim was true and revenge for the earlier loss of Thangundir was exacted as Srahash fell to the ground. At the same time, Tirion drew back his bow and loosed an arrow against the newly arrived Uldekh. However, his shot glanced off the Orc's armour, meaning the threat remained. More importantly, both he and Dringon had been delayed from making any progress towards the objective.

Again, there was no close combat and so Priority was rolled for and things got worse for the Rangers as this time it was a tie, meaning Priority passed to Uldakh's Company. This swing in initiative made it very likely that Tirion and Dringon would be engaged in combat, delaying them even further, even if they won the fight.

First, the three Orcs in the centre moved in and further in to the southern ruin, meaning they would now be at least partially obscured from Ranger fire. On the eastern flank, Draza the Red dashed forward, making it to the corner of the building and out of Helechon's line-of-sight. At the same time, Boglig approached the diagonally opposite corner, trying to force the Rangers in the ruin to split their force to deal with the threat. Uldakh left the cover of the statue and ran towards the two Ranger heroes, taking cover behind a pile of rubble in an effort to make any missile fire as difficult as possible. Finally, the last Orc in the Company - Kruddar - deployed from the northern edge and headed straight for Dringon. Although he could not charge into close combat, Kruddar could get close enough to force Dringon to either charge him or fall back. With Uldakh getting closer, Uldekh able to shoot at them from a distance, and now Kruddar to contend with, the two Rangers had a tough choice to make. Did they dash towards the objective, with three Orcs in hot pursuit, or did they stay and try to thin out the Orcs' numbers? Given that there were already five Orcs clsoing in on the centre ground, Tirion and Dringon decided to stay and fight, charging into combat with the two nearest Orcs, Uldekh and Kruddar.

Uldakh and his axe get closer!

Tirion and Dringon charge into combat

In the northern ruin, Hastedir clambered up onto the upper floor, but doing so meant he would not be able to fire in the following phase. Damdir decided to take care of the threat posed by Boglig and Helechon took position in one of the building's arches; expecting Draza to enter the building the following turn, he readied himself to open fire. With a bit of luck, the following Combat phase would see the Rangers, with all three Heroes in combat, reduce Uldakh's company by a third!

Draza the Red takes shelter in the lee of the wall, whilst above him Hastedir scrambles into position

Damdir confronts Boglig

Helechon readies himself.

The first Combat phase of the game started well for the Rangers. Both Damdir and Tirion won their fights, forcing their opponents back. However, neither of them were able to finish off their opponents; they needed 5s to inflict Wounds, but both rolled a 4. Sensing that it was vital to wrest momentum away from Uldakh, both heroes used their single point of Might to increase their Wound rolls and dispatch their opponents. This was a risk but it meant the Rangers in the northern ruin would not have to split their force to face multiple threats and offered the prospect of Tirion and Dringon being able to resume their delayed march on the objective.

Damdir vanquishes his opponent... does Tirion

However, the final combat between Dringon and Kruddar did not go the way of the Ranger. Although he won the Duel, he only rolled a 1 to Wound. 

Now the Rangers had a real dilemma on their hands. If they stayed to finish off Kruddar, it would allow Uldakh to get perilously close to the Rangers, and neither wanted to be on the receiving end of a blow from his two-handed axe! If they tried to use their bows, their reduced movement would allow them to be charged by Kruddar. Finally, Uldakh lay across the most direct route to the objective, meaning they would have to take a more circuitous path, all the time pursued by the two Orcs. As a result, the two heroes decided to gamble. Dringon's next move would be a short enough distance to allow him to still use his bow if Uldakh closed in, whilst Tirion would engage Kruddar in combat, hopefully finishing him off before Uldakh arrived. For the plan to work, the Rangers also needed to win Priority over the next two turns.

The first part of the gamble paid off, with the Rangers winning Priority, with Tirion charging into Combat with Kruddar. Having eliminated the threat of Bolgig, Damdir moved up to the corner of the ruin, intending to engage the three Orcs approaching the objective. In the Orc Movement phase, Kruddar charged towards the engaged pair of Tirion and Kruddar, cunningly using them as a shield to prevent Dringon firing at him. But now things started to unravel for the Rangers. Whilst Orgag took up a firing position in the southern ruin, Augzul and Mogluf charged out of the building, looking to take possession of the objective. In doing so they were partially obscured by the ruined pillars themselves, making Damdir's shot all the harder. Then Draza the Red took the Rangers by surprise - rather than entering the ruin, he clambered up the wall to face Hastedir on the roof. It also meant Helechon was unable to aid his comrade as he didn't have a clear line-of-sight to the Orc.

In the Shoot phase, Damdir was unable to get past the rubble to hit Augzul. Simlarly, Hastedir's hurried shoot failed to harm Draza (the boost in Defence provided by the Orcs' shields was proving invaluable). Worse was to come in the Combat phase as Tirion failed to wound Kruddar despite winning the fight - again, the boost in Defence given by the shield making a real difference.

Damdir positions himself to fire upon the advancing Orcs...

...rushing towards the objective

Tirion charges Kruddar; Uldakh hurtles towards the combat...

Draza the Red swarms up and over the ruined wall to confront Hastedir, whose hurried shot misses...

Tirion wins the combat but fails to dispatch Kruddar...

Things were looking grim for the Rangers, but there was still a chance if they could keep Priority. Both sides watched anxiously as the dice rolled, but when they came to a stop it was the worst possible outcome for Tirion's men - the Orcs had won Priority for the turn and Uldakh's Company decisively seized the initiative from the beleaguered Rangers. The end wasn't long in coming...

Firstly, Augzul and Mogluf took control of the objective

Then Draza the Red charged into combat with Hastedir. Damdir rushed to his aid but was too far away...

... as was Helechon

Finally Uldakh made it into combat, engaging Tirion alongside Kruddar

Tirion put up a brave fight but Uldakh used his point of Might to win the fight. With a mighty heave of his axe, Tirion was felled

And it was similar story in the ruin. Staying stationary to shoot at Draza proved to be a serious tactical error as Hastedir was unable to retreat after losing the fight to Draza and so suffered additional damage. His comrades could only look on helplessly as he fell from the roof

With only three Rangers left standing and the Orcs in control of the objective, the remains of Tirion's company decided nothing stood to be gained from continuing the fight and so withdrew to lick their wounds, leaving Uldakh victorious.


With the end of the game, the post-game sequence needed to be completed. As well as awarding Experience and Influence Points, the most important aspect was to see how seriously injured different characters had been. At the end of it all, Uldekh and Thangurdir would both miss the next game as they recovered from injuries sustained in the battle. More seriously, Tirion suffered a serious injury to his and can no longer throw missile weapons or use a bow - a pretty serious drawback for a Ranger. Obviously Uldakh's axe bit deep!

A thoroughly enjoyable first outing with Battle Companies and I look forward to the next game, not least to put right the numerous errors I undoubtedly made!

Saturday 4 May 2019

Final Entries for Painting Challenge IX - Part II

Regrettably, my painting production really slowed down as the Challenge entered its final month or so - real life can be a bugger!

We start with my entry for the final Bonus Theme - Fellowship. As soon as the Painting Challenge Bonus Themes were announced, I had known that my final entry would be based on The Lord of the Rings. I already had the big hitters of the Fellowship - Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir - painted up, but for some reason had never got around to painting the remaining members, so the Challemnge was the perfect opportunity to get them done. All of these are the old metal GW sculpts, mostly sourced from Ebay, as I really am not a fan of the more recent plastic sculpts. For me, these are much more characterful.

First up we have Gandalf. I really like this sculpt - it is very dynamic and was a joy to paint.

Next we have Merry and Pippin. In the movies I think Pippin originally had a red cloak, but I wanted to paint all of these in the more muted Elven cloaks they received after visiting Lothlorien. So, in  a nod to his original cloak, Pippin got a red scarf. 

Finally, we have Sam and Frodo. I like the fact that these are modelled with knapsacks, reflecting the fact that they spend so much time journeying in various wildernesses. Sam's is suitably bulkier than Frodo's, and he even has a spoon and small pot hanging off the back.

And here they are together.

My very last entry for the Challenge was a small one. First up is a Britannia/Grubby tanks Kubelwagon with an AB SS crew. The Kubel is showing its age, with several holes in the resin cast, but it was very cheap! As with my previous AB SS, they are done in Autumn Oakleaf camo.

To finish off, we have eight AB Germans, this time just painted as Wehrmacht. The first two are an officer and NCO, the next six an infantry section. The LMG team for this section was painted but not based in time, so couldn't be included.

And that brings my efforts in the IXth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge to a close. I didn't quite make my 1000 point target, with all my entries totaling 978 points. However, that was enough for a 26th place finish, which I was very pleased with considering this was my first time in the Challenge. It was an absolute blast and it was great to be part of such an enthusiastic, inspiring and supportive community of painters. I would love to do it again! 

Final Entries for the Painting Challenge IX - Part I

The AHPC is obviously now over, but I didn't update the blog with these final entries, so here they are.

My seventh entry was a some WW2 German stuff in 20mm, which got me another Squirrel point as well.

These are some 20mm AB Germans - absolutely gorgeous miniatures! These were painted wearing SS camo, mostly the Autumn Oakleaf pattern, with a few in the Spring version for variety. I had initially balked at the thought of doing these patterns but a guide in the Christmas 2015 Too Fat Lardies Special was incredibly useful, breaking it down into easily followed steps. First up, a PAK40.

Next we have a section NCO with MP40 and four infantry (the one armed with a captured Sten gun is by Battlefield/Blitz Miniatures), plus the three man LMG team. As they are mostly wearing the Autumn camo, I used some 'Autumn' clump foliage on their bases.

Lastly, a tripod MG42 team, this time painted as straight Wehrmacht. I have yet to find a recipe for German Field Grey that I really like; these are the ones that I am happiest with so far.

My eighth entry was a biggie - all the Russian armour from the previous two posts plus a King Tiger in 15mm and these Russian infantry, also in 15mm. The infantry are all Battlefront castings and are based for winter games. These are organised as per the Battlegroup rules - 4x8-man squads. I tried to differentiate between the squads by using different basing - some use old GW snow flock and others the more recent GW textured paint. The latter looks much better and so the flock is being retired. I also painted one squad in lighter greatcoats, partly to differentiate them and partly because, well, because erratic Soviet logistics.  

The infantry platoon of four 8-man sections.

8-man scout section, mostly armed with SMGs.

The HQ element - the flag is a bit of artistic licence, and gave me an opportunity to have a break from painting brown greatcoats!

Battlefront castings can be somewhat hit and miss, but generally these are pretty good.

Finally, the Zvezda 15mm Tiger II. I wanted this to feature in games set in a winter setting like the Bulge or Hungary at the start of 1945. I imagined that the crew had hastily over-painted the camo with some whitewash in an effort to camouflage the beast. So, once I painted on the camo I lightly sprayed it with white so that the camo just showed through in places. An AK wash brought out the detail, and then some GW Valhallan Blizzard was added to simulate snow clinging to the hull.

The Lord of the Rings Battle Companies Game - Secure the Area

Since the end of the Painting Challenge, I have had very limited hobby time but summer holidays meant I could get a game in of the new versi...